Turning the tables
– from contractor to project management

Pertti Hakala had a lengthy career as a contractor before he suited up for a PHS project manager role at Aalto-Setälä. The transition was smooth as the man simply switched seats from one side to another at a familiar “table”.

In a large organization work processes are unavoidably different compared to a smaller, more nimble company. This is something Pertti Hakala noticed when he made the switch from a large contractor firm to Aalto-Setälä back in 2013. At best Pertti had 90 subordinates, but now he can focus on his own role and tasks without the constant responsibility for subordinates, which leads to more flexibility.

Influence from family was what drove Pertti to the construction business: both his father and brother were working construction sites. Pertti got his first construction experience via his summer jobs. Pertti graduated as a B.Sc. (Eng) from Tampere technical institution and started his career at a PHS contractor firm in -83. Work as a contractor lasted for three decades and resulted in immeasurable experience in the construction field.

Career boost from new tasks

Pertti is the one drawing up the same kind of contracts he was previously signing. His constant goal has been to continuously advance in his work. The transition to new challenges was triggered when Pertti felt he could contribute in familiar tasks, but in a different role. The leap to new tasks brought a new kind of boost for the career.

Pertti was already familiar with Aalto-Setälä from previous common projects. The flexibility and the ability to influence one’s own work, brought on by Aalto-Setälä’s agile size, fascinated Pertti and got him to apply for a job.

Pertti’s role consisted of PHS engineering and design steering, work site supervision and project management. The task was to find the best solution – for all parties. “The combination of people’s thoughts and expectations, and technical challenges is what makes work interesting”, says Pertti.

A view driven by practical experience is valuable

The days often consist of heading meetings and drafting meeting minutes, but they are contrasted by supervision tasks on work sites. In practice the tasks follow the same pattern. A long hands-on experience on work sites has brought along a robust view on things. When you are able to perceive all the stages in the whole process, you know exactly what the entirety consists of.

When customers request your services for a new project, you know you’ve done your work properly. Long-term customer relationships are very important for Pertti, as customer satisfaction is what enables continuity for his work.

Pertti describes Aalto-Setälä’s ways of working as flexible. The organization structure is flat, which highlights self-steering. You’re able to trust colleagues and that everyone completes their tasks in a professional way. A good team spirit lights up the workdays.

In his free time Pertti is very active: gym, fishing, golf, alpine and cross-country skiing and cottage life are key parts of his life. If you ask Pertti about qualities of a good PHS engineer, the answer is simple: “What matters most is the genuine will to do one’s job.”

Kårkulla Kirjala, administration building
and central kitchen

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Kårkulla Samkommun

Our role:

Project management, site supervision and structural engineering


2 600 m2


We supported the client in project management, site supervision and structural engineering in the locality’s construction of the administration building and central kitchen. The administration building is two stories, and within it was constructed office spaces, a machine shop, central archives, social spaces and a shelter. The central kitchen is single-story.

Kapellskärs Hamn


Roslags Hamnar

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering


Our tasks were project lead and structural engineering for the project, which included 2 steel structure upper ramps as well as 2 lower ramps.

Lilla Hummelholm

Lilla Hummelholm

Ålands Landskapsstyrelse

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering


We managed and handled structural engineering for a project which included an adjustable ramp and quay for regional ferries.

Viking Line Turku terminal


Viking Line Abp

Our role:

Structural engineering, project lead


The Viking Line terminal in Turku harbor is an important and busy terminal. Our role in the project was managing structural engineering of the eastern end of the terminal, the expansion of cafeteria and embarkation corridors, as well as leading the project of two double-decker gangway jetties.

Övningshamn Maarianhamina
sea rescue and training center


Ålands Landskapsstyrelse

Our role:

Project lead, architect and structural engineering.


In the Maarianhamina sea rescue and training center project we were project lead, we managed both architectural and structural engineering of the quay, training facility and the devices’ steel surfaces.

Port of Tallinn quay 5


Port of Tallinn

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering

Project scope:

The project spanned an embarkation corridor and 2 gangway jetties.


We lead the project and managed structural engineering for the Tallinn harbor project which included an embarkation corridor and 2 gangway jetties.

Frihamnen Tukholma


Stockholms Hamn

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering


The project in the port of Stockholm included one passenger gangway and two gangway jetties. Our responsibilities were project lead and structural engineering.

Utrikeskaj, Långnäs Hamn


Långnäs Hamn Ab

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering


In the project we were project lead and managed structural engineering for the international quay, ramp, passenger gangway, gangway jetty and pile mooring. Additionally, we provided the architectural plans for the terminal building and the traffic plans for the area.

Mariehamn Västerhamn


City of Mariehamn, Port of Mariehamn

Our role:

Project lead and structural engineering


We have been in charge of project management and structural engineering in several construction projects in the port of Mariehamn. The project scopes have been among other passenger corridors and gangways for quays 3–6, as well as the pile mooring and the quay itself on spot number 6. Other projects include reparations and modifications for quays 2–6.

Kårkulla Peppargränd

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Kårkulla Samkommun

Our role:

Project management, site supervision and structural engineering


920 m2


The project scope was the construction of a new residential home, with special focus on unobstructed environments. We were responsible for project management, site supervision and structural engineering. The project was funded by a loan from ARA.

As Oy Linnanpuisto

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Pohjola Rakennus Oy

Our role:

Site supervision


10 800 m2


We managed construction site supervision for new construction of an apartment block. The building is 6 stories high and features a below-ground parking garage.

As Oy Linnanpiha

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Pohjola Rakennus Oy

Our role:

Site supervision


5 245 m2


We managed construction site supervision for new construction of an apartment block. The building is 6 stories high and features a below-ground parking garage.

Talo E

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Private individual

Our role:

Project management, site supervision and PHSA engineering


170 + 30 m2


The locality is a private home on the seaside. The project spanned demolition of the old building and the construction of the new building including storage facilities in the yard. We supported the customer in project management, site supervision and PHSA engineering.

As Oy Skanssinkatu 22

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Pohjola Rakennus Oy

Our role:

Structural engineering


20 400 m2, of which 8 500 m2 cold parking garage in two levels


The locality is located in a new, growing residential area in Turku. The scope of our project covered structural and precast unit engineering for two 6 story and one 10 story buildings. In addition, we managed structural engineering for the parking garage and its top-level yard.

As Oy Yliopistonkatu 6

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

As Oy Turun Yliopistonkatu 6

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


5 770 m2


The locality is a 8 story residential building completed in 1971, and is connected to a service station and commercial building. Our task was to perform project management and site supervision in the project, which included reparation of the façade, balconies and roof.

As Oy Linnalehto

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Pohjola Rakennus Oy

Our role:

Structural engineering


2 400 m2


As Oy Linnalehto is an apartment block atop the Kakola hill. We supported the customer by providing the full structural engineering for the building.

Sheltered home Hemmet

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Stiftelsen Hemmet i Åbo

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


700 m2


Hemmet is a protected premium property in Turku’s Vartiovuori. The project included the restructuring of the attic, in connection with which new spaces were created: the attic now houses a kindergarten, meeting and office spaces as well as a cafeteria. We supported the customer in project management and site supervision.

Svenska Gården i Åbo

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Fastighetsaktiebolaget Svenska Gården i Åbo

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


11 800 m2 + 10 280 m2


The locality is a prominent and protected premium property in the center of Turku, close to the river bank. The project included the extensive restructuring of the Bassi house, a new structure in the inner yard as well as the restructuring of the Gillesgården building. We were in charge of project management and construction site supervision.

Hotel Seurahuone

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Turun Osuuskauppa

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


6 616 m2


Hotel Seurahuone is a stylish and modern hotel in the center of Turku. The hotel includes 140 rooms, common areas and an inner yard. We supported the customer by providing project management and construction site supervision in the hotel’s extensive renovation project.

S-Market Kaarina

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Turun Osuuskauppa

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


3 490 m2


The commercial building is a popular grocery store in the center of Kaarina. The new construction of the locality was built as a two-story building and spanned 3 490 m2. Aalto-Setälän were in charge of project management and site supervision.

Asunto Oy Linnanrinne

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Asunto Oy Linnanrinne

Our role:

PHS engineering, supervision and project management


24 300 m2, 5 apartment blocks, 293 apartments


Asunto Oy Linnanrinne is located in a prominent place on the riverbank of Turku and was originally built in 1966. The locality covers 5 apartment blocks and one office building. There are a total of 293 apartments in the blocks. We managed PHS engineering, supervision and project management in the extensive plumbing restructuring project.

Asunto Oy Sokerinranta

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Asunto Oy Sokerinranta

Our role:

PHS engineering, supervision and project management


6 062 m2, 4 apartment blocks, 306 apartments


The locality is an apartment block built in 1963, located on the Turku riverbank, where an extensive plumbing restructuring project was carried out. The apartment block includes 4 apartment buildings, 1 lamelle building and one commercial space. There are 306 apartments in the block.
We were responsible for the extensive PHS engineering, supervision and project management.

As Oy Kiinanmylly ja -piha

Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku
Insinööritoimisto Aalto-Setälä Oy Turku

Turun ylioppilaskyläsäätiö

Our role:

Project management and site supervision


13 400 m2 + demolition 3 000 m2


The extensive project included demolition of an old residential and commercial building and the construction of two new buildings. The Kiinanmylly house is 8 stories high and the Kiinanpiha house is 4 stories high. The project also included the basement-level construction (shelter, parking garage, techical facilities). The total size of the buildings is approx. 13 400 m2, the locality was finished in February 2015. Aalto-Setälä were in charge of project management and construction site supervision.